Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Tuesday, 3/12

We're so glad the sun is still shining and the kids got time to run around outside!

We started our morning with writing.  First graders are working hard to complete their how-to books.  Some Kindergarteners are working on creating books about small moments, some are writing about something different each day.  Ask your child what they wrote about this morning. 

Thanks to Deanna for helping us this morning!

Everyone was busy at Centers!  Kindergarteners are working on their Ice Age fact books.  First graders are working through a few different activities.

We all went to the book swap and had lunch together in the classroom.

The kids learned a new math game this afternoon which they played with a partner.  We are focusing on the facts to 10.

The day ended with Open Circle.  Ask your child which problem/solution we discussed.

**Open House is Wednesday from 6:30-8:00pm.  It is a night when all families are invited to come visit our classroom.  Your child will take you on a scavenger hunt around the school.  You are invited regardless if your child is a Stratton or Thompson student! We hope to see many of you tomorrow night!**  

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