Monday, March 11, 2013

Monday 3/11

Hope everyone enjoyed the weekend.  After such a snowy day, we had some beautiful warmer weather!

The first graders started the morning working on their How-To books.  Kindergarteners worked on writing about small moments-mostly about their weekend.

Kindergarteners learned more about the Ice Age through a Power Point presentation.  Ask your child something they learned today about the Ice Age.

First graders are wrapping up their Fundations unit on blends.  They had their check-in today and then played a blends game.  Look for your child's assessment in their folder tomorrow.

Everyone was busy today at Centers.  Ask your child something they worked hard on.

This afternoon the kids learned a new math game- Tens Go Fish.  This would be a great game to play at home to find the "ten friends."  Ask your child to teach you this fun game.

After art, Ms. Dichter read our class memory book.  So many great things have happened so far in Room 8! 

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