Friday, March 1, 2013

Friday 3/1

I spent the day at my last Open Circle training workshop.  I feel ready to jump into the rest of the problem solving lessons!  We will use the traffic signal often.  We'll post the Home-School Links when we conclude lessons so you'll know exactly which step we are on.  Please practice using the steps with your child at home.

Can you believe it's March already!?  The kids worked with a partner to create a saying:  March comes in like a ___ and goes out like a ____.   I stopped by school and saw their posters- They came out great!!

Thank you to Jill's grandfather Tutti & friend Carol for being our mystery readers today.  The kids were engrossed for two stories-Feathers for Lunch and The Great Kapok Tree. A special thank you for the Beanie Babies.  We love listening to stories read by our mystery readers!

Rhyming poetry with Liza!

Fun at choice time

We don't have any other mystery readers set up.  If you or someone in your family is free on Fridays at 1:30, please sign up here:  If this time doesn't work for you, please email me with a time preference and we'll try our best to make it work:

Have a great weekend!

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