Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Tuesday 3/5

Look for an invitation in your child's folder today!

We hope you can join us for the Stratton School Open House on Wednesday, March 13th. Come visit between 6:30 and 8pm. All family members are invited to this fun event.  You child will take you on a scavenger hunt!

The kids shared their March comes in like a.. And goes out like a ... with the class.

We ended our day with Open Circle. We attempted to concentrate and take turns to make the sounds of a rainstorm.  We'll keep trying and trying until it sounds just like a real rainstorm!!  Then we thought of 4 ways to solve a problem. We picked what we thought was the best solution, but oh no! It didn't work! We tried a different solution and it did work!  We'll continue to use the traffic signal to help us solve problems.
Stop- Calm down and say the problem.
Think-What could you do to solve the problem? What do you think is the best solution?
Go-Try the best one!

We hope Ms. Dichter feels better!!!

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