Thursday, March 28, 2013

Thursday, 3/28

Wow! We all had a busy day!
We started our morning together for math centers.  Ask your child to name one person they played a game with.

Ks had a special Wingmasters presentation this morning! Ask your child something they learned.

1s learned about another African animal-chimpanzee.  Ask your child to tell you a fact they remember writing or drawing about in their African animal research packet.

This afternoon we also broke up into grade level groups.
Ks watched some clips about the moon and gained more background knowledge in preparation of Midnight on the Moon.
1s had a special first grade choice and then practiced some Fundations skills. 

Have a great long weekend!
***Pride Assembly on Monday~~~Please try to wear your Pride colors~~~ Ks: purple, 1s: blue..or both!!***

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