Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Thompson Play: Looking for K-2 participants!

Dear Thompson K-2 families:
Thompson Drama Project is continuing with our 7th season of our wonderful school playtradition and this year's production, We'll Be Better Later - A Comedy for a Computer Crazed World, is in the works! The cast of 50 children from grades 3-5 as well as crew members, parent volunteers, costume sewers and set builders have been busy pulling together what promises to be an exciting production!
But we're missing a big piece: we need K-2 boys and girls to be a part of the CYBER DREAM TEAM! They will represent the dreams that the kids in the detention center are having about the technology (cell phones, ipads, computer games, etc) that they are missing. The kids will have costumes which include technology laden hats, and will walk about amongst the "inmates" during their dreams. While K-2 students traditionally have non-speaking roles, new for this year is that K-2 kids will appear ON STAGE (that is, on the big stage at Arlington High School)! It's a great way to introduce our younger students to the stage and hopefully many will want to continue in the years ahead. For K-2, no auditions are necessary; anyone who signs up will be a part of the dream scene ensemble. There is no fee to participate and a fabulous costume is provided (kids will need to wear either a black shirt and black pants OR a white shirt and white pants underneath).
The K-2 kids will need to come to 2 rehearsals and 2 performances, all at the Arlington High School (AHS) auditorium. We're hoping K-2 actors will be available to come to both rehearsals and both performances, but let me know if you have a conflict—if your child wants to participate, we'd love for them to be a part of it - however they can.
Friday, April 26 at 3:30-5:00 at the AHS auditorium
Monday, May 6 at 4:00 - 5:30 at the AHS auditorium (this is the dress rehearsal)
Performances (K-2 kids will need to arrive at 6:15pm both nights): 
Wednesday, May 8 at 7:00pm at the AHS auditorium (play lasts approx. 1 hour)
Thursday, May 9 at 7:00pm at the AHS auditorium (play la
sts approx. 1 hour)
And of course we can use some parental help in supervising kids and helping with costumes, so don't be shy!
To sign up your K-2 child and/or to volunteer, go to:
Please add your child's name, grade & teacher to the "My comment" box. PLEASE SIGN UP BY FRIDAY, APRIL 12. Those who sign up will be contacted with further details after school vacation.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Angela Alton
mom of Eve (gr 5) & Hannah (gr 7)

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