Monday, April 1, 2013

Monday, 4/1

We hope everyone had a nice long weekend!

Did March go out like a lion or a lamb? Ask your child what they think!

The third graders hosted a PRIDE assembly this morning.  We listened to The Peace Book. 
Ask your child what makes them feel peaceful.

Ks worked on making the background for a space bulletin board.  Picture to come later...
1s made their own clocks.  Practice telling time to the hour at home.

Our new topic for math is subtraction.  We watched Annie & Moby... You could watch it again at home! It's called "Basic Subtraction."  Then we split into two groups during math.  One group learned how to play Bulldozer.  The other group learned 10s Frame Subtraction.  Tomorrow the kids will partner up and teach the game to someone from the other group.

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