Monday, April 22, 2013

Monday, 4/22

Welcome back!  We hope everyone was able to find some time to spend with those they love.  The children had a smooth transition back to school.  Here are some resources from Open Circle if you need some support with the recent tragedy:
We started our morning with writing about our vacation.  It sounds like most families were very busy!  We spent much of our day learning about Earth Day.  Here are some of the ways we celebrated: 

--watching a video clip about the holiday (above)
-reading Time for Kids about reducing, reusing, and recycling 
-watching a clip about recycling paper
-playing an Earth Day game
-making an Earth Day bookmark
-writing about how we can help the Earth
-read-aloud of Miss Rumphius- Here's an online version if you would like to listen to the story with your child 

Ask your child one way they plan on helping our Earth. 
Some great ideas were: picking up litter at the park, using both sides of the page, helping the grown-ups bring the recycle bin to the street, turning off the water when brushing your teeth, donating toys when you are done with them.

**wish list- glue sticks :) 

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