Wednesday, January 23, 2013

What is a Read-In and Math-In?

Read-Ins and Math-Ins are casual gatherings we'll have in Room 8 once a month from 8:15-8:45.

You'll get to spend time with your child as well as other children.  You'll get to look around the classroom and spot your child's beautiful artwork hanging up.

During Read-Ins, the children will pick stories from our classroom library that they would like an adult to read to them.  You'll get to read a story to your child and possibly some other children.
During Math-Ins, there will be math games set up around the classroom.  The children will teach you how to play!  In small groups, you'll play the games.  You'll rotate around the stations to play different games with different children.

All family members are invited to attend.
No sign-ups required.  The more the merrier!
No preparation required. Just come ready to have a great time!

Please come to as many Read-Ins and Math-Ins as you can! :)

Monday, May 20 Math-In

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